Week – 04/10/21
What an exciting week!
Our week started off with our Wet Welly Walk. It was lovely to see so many new and familiar faces around school. The children completed all the challenges and had lots of fun. Many thanks to our Flowery Friends team who gave up their time to help. Special thanks to Mrs Sykes, Mrs Vo-Mullins and Mrs Slinn. Check out the school calendar for our next event.
Our Y6 pupils have also embraced new challenges with their residential to Mellor, many of them staying away from home for the first time. It was great that Mr Fell was also able to join us. Our Y6 pupils are keen to share their experiences with our Y5 pupils who will be visiting in the summer term.
In other news, our children continue to flourish in all areas of school. This week we have introduced a buddy system to support our younger pupils accessing our new ICT curriculum. The Y5 children have demonstrated our school motto that only my best is good enough and the Y1 children loved the opportunity to work with our younger pupils.
We are really looking forward to tuning in over the weekend to watch Mr Smith take part in the London Marathon. He made a television appearance at the Great North Run so watch this space!
My Child at School
Our Parent app is now up and running for all families. You are able to use the app to check important messages, book a school dinner, check attendance and even book a place at one of our after school clubs. We are extremely grateful for your support in logging into the app. If you have not received your logon details please speak to a member of staff.
Lunch with Froggy
We are aware that a few parents are having problems making selections for our Froggy Lunch. Please select the dinners tab and change the date on the calendar to the 7th Oct. You will then be able to select from the available options.
After School Clubs
After school clubs begin on Monday. Children will need to be collected at 4pm from the school office. If your child has been unable to secure an after school place, please speak to the office who will be holding a waiting list. Unfortunately, Y4 clubs have been postponed following advice from Public Health.
Parking and Drop Off
We are extremely grateful for your support in ensuring the safety of our children. Please ensure you refrain from parking on Zig Zags. We have also had several reports of vehicles blocking access to other local properties, preventing emergency vehicle access. We understand that enforcement officers will be monitoring the situation. Please help us to keep our community safe.
If you have any questions, please find a member of our pastoral team who are around before and after school.
Wishing you all a lovely and relaxing weekend,
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events:
Monday 4th October – After school clubs begin.
Thursday 7th October – Lunch with Froggy. Themed lunch- Children who are not usually on school meals are able to join us). Please see post with the smiley menu.
Friday 8th October – Mindfulness Day. Please wear something bright and colourful.
Friday 8th October – Last date for Photo Orders
Monday 11th October 6pm Flowery Friends Meeting at the Village Hotel. Please come along and help us plan our future events.
Thursday 21st October – Spooky Disco
Saturday 23rd October – Family trip to Blackpool. We still have a few places remaining. If you would like to join us please speak to a member of our pastoral team at the front of school.