Just a quick message, to wish you all a lovely summer and thank you for all your support.
We will return to school on Thursday 2nd September, with doors opening at 8 40 to facilitate our 8 50 start. All classes will finish at 3pm, with the exception of nursery.
During our Inset day we will be exploring our before and after school provision. Our morning clubs will recommence from Monday 6th September.
Please be aware that we will have a new parent communication app from September. Your child will be returning home with a letter this evening. You will receive your login details in September. If you have changed your contact details please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk.
Our Flowery Friends class pages will close for the summer, please use this page to stay in touch with friends or ask any last minute questions.
We look forward to continuing to work alongside you, to enable your children to build on their successes.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.
Mrs Silk