Reflections on week 39 and year 38!
Let me share a huge “THANK YOU” not only for the many kind words and generous gifts that I’ve received this week, but for the support this community has given me over the last 20 years and particularly the last 10 as head teacher. We achieve what we do thanks to our partnership with families and the wider community. I hope that you continue to bestow this precious gift onto Mrs Silk and the rest of the team in the years to come.
Today, I was able to hold a ‘proper’ leavers’ assembly for our year 6 pupils and they truly embody what this school is about. To see them together and taking pride in their achievements and joy in those of their peers, tells me that they are ready for the next step on life’s journey. They are a credit to their families and are testament to all my colleagues have done over the years and especially during the last, challenging 18 months.
During this pandemic, some members of our community have been touched by tragedy and loss and many have been through difficult times. Throughout it all, keeping the school as safe as possible has been made easier by the cooperation and support I’ve received. I an extremely grateful for this and cannot express how important it’s been.
On Wednesday, Mrs Silk, the staff and all of the children invited me to “Fell Fest”. I had a really lovely day being treated to songs, poems, dances and other entertainments. Again, I feel the need to send another “Thank You” for this brilliant day.
You will forgive me feeling a little wistful today, the last 38 years as a teacher have delivered so many highs and I’ve met and worked with so many lovely kids. Flowery Field School has been a large part of this and I’m delighted that it is in such good shape and has such a great team to take it on to even better things in the future.
Good luck to all, have a great summer and come back in September ready to meet your new challenges as you all continue to thrive and grow here.
Mr Fell