Reflections on week 36
For a change I’m starting with the positives… Last weekend, we enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Robinwood Centre with two of our year 6 classes. The children were up for every challenge and encouraged each other and celebrated everyone’s successes with great spirits. I’m particularly grateful to have colleague who are prepared to give up their weekends to make such experiences possible. These two classes have also visited a theatre in Salford to perform their finished pieces from the Children’s Shakespeare Festival and the resulting film will be released on 7th July.
We welcomed back Mr McClement’s year 6, class today from their self-isolation and hope that our plans for them to perform in Manchester next week and visit Robinwood on July 14th are not derailed again! They have, at least, now got their ‘leavers’ hoodies’ and look great in them. (My thanks go to the people who worked to make these possible for our year 6 children.)
We have enjoyed Reception sports day this week – thanks to all who ensured that this event ran so smoothly. The children really put their hearts into the events. We are one of the few schools lucky enough to have held all of our sports days this year.
I hardly need to mention the deteriorating situation around the number of classes required to miss school and self-isolate. I share everyone’s frustrations with the manner in which children appear to be the ones forced to ‘pay the price’. (I certainly saw little evidence of social distancing or Covid security around the England games or out in the wider community this week!) On a brighter note, the children in 3GY end their isolation period tonight and we look forward to welcoming them back on Monday. If anyone is struggling with self-isolating, please give our pastoral team a ring at school.
Anyone over 18 can visit the ‘vaccine van’ this weekend without an appointment. It is on the carpark of the Ashton Asda store (Cavendish Street) on Saturday and opens between 10.30am and 4.30pm.
On Thursday and Friday of next week (Covid permitting), contractors will be dismantling the existing out-of-care club building. As ever, when any such works are taking place, can I please ask that everyone keeps to the playgrounds and leaves the site promptly after collecting your children.
Enjoy the first weekend of July and fingers-crossed for the England match,
Best wishes,
Mr Fell