Reflections on week 35
The situation regarding Covid infections is deteriorating and this is having detrimental consequences for your children. Even if your child’s class ‘bubble’ is in school, I am operating with many key staff away self-isolating. As ever, my colleagues are doing all they can to ensure that the school continues to function and are covering as best they can. Please continue to have children tested if they show any signs of illness to help curb this latest wave of cases.
There is talk in the media of all restrictions ending soon, however, I remain grateful for your support with social distancing on the school site and the wearing of face coverings, especially as the local rates continue to increase.
Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the latest cases is the fact that class 6RMc are having to self-isolate and cannot attend the year 6 residential visit to Robinwood this weekend. My heart goes out to these children, especially as they missed the year 5 residential last year due to ‘lockdown 1’.
Staying with year 6, the quality of the work produced as part of the Children’s Shakespeare Festival is simply outstanding and is testament to the involvement and dedication of the staff and pupils alike. I look forward to sharing this once their performances have been professionally filmed.
Members of our curriculum team have completed an ‘enquiry’ into English books during this week. It is encouraging to see how quickly standards are returning to their pre-pandemic levels and I appreciate everyone’s support in spreading the message of OMBIGE throughout school. (Only My Best Is Good Enough.)
In a separate posting, you can see the classes for next year. We will arrange opportunities for the children to meet with their new teachers over the remaining weeks of this term.
Enjoy the weekend
Best wishes
Mr Fell