Reflections on week 32
Again, we have made it to the end of the half term and I haven’t had to close any class bubbles. The efforts everyone is continuing to make to defeat this virus do seem to be paying off. This week I’ve reintroduced year group, distanced assemblies and our Reception classes, Year One and Year Two children have all enjoyed visits from Froggy as he presented achievement certificates. (Every child receiving one also has a photograph in their book bag of the event showing them celebrating with Froggy.)
Other signs of the return to normal life abound and I’ve even managed to meet a couple of friends for a pint! This great news is tempered by the alarming statistics coming out of Bolton, the threat from the new ‘Indian’ variant and the recent, very sad loss of one of our parents. The Trust continue to require all visitors to wear face coverings and I am grateful for your support with social distancing on the school site.
When we return in June, school will open for everyone will start at 8.40am to allow a prompt start to lessons at 8.50am. Being late for class is very disruptive to both the individual and the rest of the class who have begun their work. At the end of the school day, Years 1, 2, 4 and 5 will come out at 2.50pm and Years Rec, 3 and 6 will end at 3pm. (This is to prevent overcrowding on the yards.) Please continue to leave the site as soon as you’ve collected.
I also feel we can now reopen the morning drop off for families at the front of school from 8.30am. It is important that if you are using this facility that your junior children are happy to walk from the drop-off to their door. Infant children will be escorted in through the front door from where they can make their way to their classrooms. Nursery children will be ‘delivered’ to class.
The staff manning the drop off will no longer be available to help with social distancing around the site and I ask that parents keep to the established routines around classroom entrances, with Year Two parents staying on the yard and Year Three dropping off at the top end of the playground. Please note that we cannot operate the ‘drop off’ at the end of the school day. If you are self-isolating and need this facility, please contact the pastoral team to make arrangements.
As part of our culture promoting high expectations, school uniform should be worn every day. (If your child has forest school, we can now facilitate changing within the building.) On PE days, you should continue to come in uniform, with your school P.E. shirt on under your jumper or cardigan. Leggings, P.E. shorts or dark tracksuit pants should be worn. Please wear royal blue t-shirts for P.E.
Thanks go to our office staff for their efforts in getting all of the meal vouchers out to qualifying families, despite the very short notice afforded us by Tameside Council.
There are still a few holiday care places for the upcoming break available from Rainbows for working parents. Please contact them directly to discuss your needs.
Thank you for everyone’s cooperation with the Parents’ Evening calls. This system will be further refined as we go forwards, but the feedback so far shows how much better it is than the old arrangements.
Please look at the PTFA “Flowery Friends” Facebook page for news of their ‘creative challenge’ to help fill the holiday with activity.
Enjoy the Whit break and see you all at 8.40am on Monday June 7th
Best wishes
Mr Fell