Reflections on week 23
This has been a week of highs and lows. Firstly, I hope that you have all enjoyed taking part in our World Book Day challenges. I certainly enjoyed watching all the videos and I am pleased my disguise fooled some of you, although many of you recognised my hands whilst I’m turning the pages – great detective work there! Your work and projects are fantastic and please continue to share them with your teachers.
Unfortunately, we have had another confirmed case of Covid 19, which has resulted in our nursery staff and children having to self-isolate. (This also means that nursery cannot reopen on Monday as planned, but can return on Tuesday 9th.) This case is a timely reminder that, although schools are reopening, the virus remains a threat to our community and the need to stick with the social distancing and hand hygiene routines is as important as ever.
I look forward to welcoming you back next week. Please help me to keep everyone safe by wearing face coverings on site, sticking to the drop off and collection times, keeping apart on the yards and away from the classroom doors and by encouraging your child to wash their hands regularly and always when you get home at the end of each day.
Stay safe, stay apart and see you next week,
Best wishes,
Mr Fell