Reflections on week 15 – Christmas week in school.
I am delighted that all of our children have enjoyed a special Christmas dinner day, have performed Christmas dances, have held class parties, viewed a live, on-line pantomime with real actors, visited Santa at the North Pole (thanks to our Immersive Classroom) and have entered into the spirit of things with such enthusiasm and good spirit. I really enjoyed both Nativity films presented by Year2 children and our Nursery classes. Again, I cannot thank the staff enough for their adaptability and endless reserves of good cheer no matter what the pandemic has thrown at us.
Somehow, we have made it to the end of this term! The routines for school A, B and C are helping to keep us socially distanced and, fingers crossed, we have managed to get away without too many groups having to self-isolate. During the ‘worst’ week of this past term, we opened with 21 staff away either ill or being forced to self-isolate. That the school continued to function is testament to the professionalism of the whole team.
No more lectures from me for a bit! Please all have a great and safe holiday and I look forward to welcoming you all back in January when school reopens on Tuesday 5th.
Best wishes
Mr Fell