Reflections on week 14
We are all looking forward to next week’s Christmas activities in school. I invite the children to wear their Christmas jumpers both on the day they have Christmas Dinner and on next Friday also.
I want to say a huge “thank you” to the PTFA for organising the wonderful Elf Trail. Many families have enjoyed this activity and you have until Monday to post your entry into the box by the front door of school.
Thanks for the support with the Christmas Raffle, which will be drawn on Tuesday, and winners notified afterwards.
Today’s announcement regarding the reduction in self-isolation from 14 to 10 days, means that Mr McClements’ class are back on Monday, just in time for Christmas week. This is the second piece of y6 good news this week and follows the new booking for the Robinwood adventure weekend. (Now planned for June.)
The trailer of the year 2 Nativity Film certainly got people excited and the World Premier of this movie goes live next Monday 14th at 6pm, giving you time to buy popcorn and tissues! The link below will activate then.
This week, and again at very short-notice, the Government gave schools the option of closing a day early, although this day would have to be taken from a holiday later in the year. Our Trust have taken the decision to keep all academies open as parents have suffered enough disruption to work with self-isolations and arranging further child care at such short notice is not easy. We will close on Friday at School A, B and C times.
Public Health England require me to remain available to assist with Track and Trace for 6 days after our last teaching day – in other words up to and including, Christmas Eve. Please follow the guidance below.
- If your child tests positive, having developed symptoms on or before Saturday 19th or Sunday 20th, I will assist with track and trace. Contact by emailing me at A.Fell@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk and I will inform possible contacts of any reported positive cases via parent mail, the PTFA Facebook page and the school website so that you can keep vulnerable friends and relatives safe.
- If your child tests positive from Monday 21st, but did not have symptoms before then, do not contact me. Instead, refer to Test and Trace for advice.
- If any further positive cases occur later during the holiday, please wait until school starts in January to inform us of any absences and self-isolations, and, in the meantime, refer to Test and Trace for advice.
Have a great weekend,
Best wishes,
Mr Fell