Reflections on week 11
One of this week’s highlights has been the number of classes we’ve managed to get into our new “Immersive Classroom”. It has been delightful to see the reactions on the faces of children as we’ve taken them into a stormy sea, filled the room with dolphins, embarked upon on a safari and to many other places.
This week has also seen two classes working from home due to confirmed cases of Covid. During the weekend you can contact both Mrs Silk and I via email should any child’s test return positive. Please do not wait until Monday morning to tell us. The sooner we are informed; we can pass the information on to those within the bubble and give families as much notice as possible of any disruptions. (You can also contact Mrs Silk via a private message on the PTFA Facebook page.)
I look forward to welcoming back 6DB on Wednesday 25th and 3SS on Thursday 26th. (The classes return on different dates, as the two cases were completely unrelated to each other.)
Please also let me know if anyone is having any issues with accessing schoolwork from home whilst your bubble is closed or whilst self-isolating for other reasons.
Finally, I am delighted to report that, yesterday; we had an inspection by the Health and Safety Executive to examine our Covid Risk Assessment and its associated Covid-safe practices. The school “passed” with no issues or concerns identified.
Have an enjoyable and safe weekend,
Best wishes
Mr Fell