Reflections on week 8
This week, we have enjoyed the first of this year’s “Arts weeks” with the theme of ‘Portraits’ running across school. It is sad that we are unable to open the building as an art gallery as we have done previously; however, we have created i-movies from each class for you to enjoy. (We have posted them on the year group Facebook pages.)
Today’s “dress down or dress up” day to support the local foodbank was a great success. The generosity of our community seems to know no bounds! Thanks to everyone for your gifts. I reproduce a message received today from organisers.
Subject: Thank-you from Foodbank
To the children
A big thank from Tameside South and Longdendale Foodbank to the pupils and staff for your harvest gifts.
Your gifts will provide over 1,100 meals to local people who do not have enough to eat.
Sometimes people have lost their jobs or someone in the family is ill. Your gifts will help them through a difficult time.
There is a certificate attached to go on your notice board.
To the staff
Thank-you for your kind gifts - which must have been so difficult to organise at the moment.
School plays a role in the local Test and Trace system. If any children have positive test result during the holiday, please email either Mrs Silk or myself, or alternatively, send Mrs Silk a private message through Facebook. This will allow us to contact other members of the “bubble” and pass on any health advice. We will monitor these email addresses every day of the holiday, but may not respond instantly!
Enjoy the holiday and stay safe everyone,
Best wishes – Mr Fell