The many changes to school life caused by the current pandemic have prompted me to ‘think again’ about many aspects of school life and how we deliver them. School swimming lessons are a case in point. All of the published research suggests that children both learn to swim easier and find it less stressful, if they do it as young as possible- indeed all three of my own boys could swim by their third birthdays.
I have altered our timetable to allow year 3 children to learn to swim. Your child’s lessons will be taking place on Fridays commencing next week (7TH September).
Next year, when the new Hyde pool is completed, I will have additional capacity to give lessons to our older non-swimmers.
The three classes will appreciate a couple of parent volunteers to assist with these sessions. If you can commit to helping regularly on Friday’s, please contact school.
Miss Snioch’s Class 3SO will be going at 10.45am and be back for lunchtime
Miss Berriman’s Class 3BG will be going at 12.40pm and be back for 2.10pm
Mrs Glozier’s Class 3GY will be going at 1.50pm and be back for 3.10pm
Thanks and best wishes,
Mr Fell