Our plans for a wider reopening of school have been postponed to 22nd June at the earliest.
Today, we received notice from Dr. Jeanelle de Gruchy, Director of Population Health at Tameside MBC that the coronavirus infection rate (or R value) is now above the critical value of 1 for the North West.
The Trustees have confirmed that ELT schools within Tameside will not reopen as planned on Monday. I remain committed to ensuring the safety of our staff and children and am in full support of the decision that has been made by Tameside MBC. We will continue to follow DfE guidance and abide by the advice of public health professionals.
This week, I have sent letters to parents of Nursery, Reception, Y1 and Y6 who indicated "Yes" in our return to school survey. These plans are 'on hold' and your children should NOT attend school until we have the go ahead from the public health authorities.
Our "home learning" offer will continue as before the Whit holiday for all year groups, including the Facebook and Microsoft Teams.
School will continue to provide childcare for "key worker" children and the offer contained in my letters will continue. Please continue to use the main entrance by the school office and sign in upon arrival. Key worker children will need to bring a packed lunch to school.
This postponement means that Free School Meal Vouchers will continue to be issued to all eligible families.
I know that many of you will share my disappointment with today's development, however, the safety and well being of the school and wider community remain our first priority.