Dear All,
What an usual two weeks we’ve just had! Let me just say well done to everyone and reassure those of you who are worrying about how well you are coping with the “home learning”. What really matters at this time is that your children have reassurance, stability and love- everything else are just extras. When we do all finally get back to normal life and school reopens, the teachers will pick up from where we left off and do everything possible to get all of our children back ‘up to speed’. In the meantime, try to enjoy the online work, rather than feel pressurised into completing every single item.
I also want to thank the staff for the enthusiasm, dedication and creativity they have shown in adapting to this strange way of running a school. Having enjoyed so many of the posts and videos, I wonder if some of my colleagues will be headhunted by CBeebies!
The home learning tab on the website has a new link that takes you to some suggested Easter Holiday fun activities. I hope you enjoy completing some of them, however, the staff will not be responding to posts during the holiday. The year-group Facebook pages and the Microsoft teams will close down for Easter, but will be back again on Monday 20th April when our next theme is “Viewpoints”. The Flowery Friends page will remain open as usual.
Stay safe, stay home and keep smiling!
Best wishes,
Mr Fell