Last week, the Government announced that arrangements would be made for families that qualify for free school meals. I am waiting to hear how the proposed national voucher scheme will work. In the meantime, we are planning to provide a packed lunch option.
Recognising that it would be counter productive to close the school and then invite families to come back and collect lunches, I have been recruiting delivery volunteers.
To ensure we are able to provide lunch to those most in need, we are asking you to text your child's name and class if you require one to either of the numbers shown below. (I will presume the children are at their home address, unless you inform us differently.) Please also make staff aware if you are self isolating and are unable to answer the door- we'll leave it on the step.
If you are struggling with food for the wider family (due to financial pressures) or are facing any other hardships, please phone and speak with Mrs Smith or Ms Jeffers, in confidence, on the following numbers after 8am Monday.
Mrs Smith: 07752276230
Ms Jeffers: 07835025731