Dear Parents / Carers
I have set up a “home working” section on our school website, which you can access by clicking on the “Home working” tab on the blue bar at the top of the home page.
Many parents have spoken with me and are keen to have some structure to put into the day for children forced to be at home. We have prepared weekly blocks of work and these have a common theme across all age groups so that families can discuss ideas together, learn from each other and perhaps collaborate on tasks. I have included links to the online resources we already use such as ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and ‘Numbots’, in addition to other sites which either allow open access or provide parents with free accounts to launch them.
The weekly projects follow the following themes
Week 1 – My Family
Week 2 – The area you live in
Week 3 - Viewpoints
Week 4 - Animals
Week 5 - Environment
Week 6 - Food
Week 7 – Celebrations
(Weeks 1 and 2 are ‘live’ now and the others will activate as the term unfolds.)
We are also setting up ‘Microsoft Teams’ for the older children in school (Years 4, 5 and 6) and the children have been given email addresses and instructions to help them access these. Please note that these “Teams” will only be used when the school closes and are set up ready for such an eventuality.
Please follow the links to access the page for your child’s year group. Some families are already self-isolating and can start these topics now; others can begin them if the school is closed. (There is no need to stay ‘up to date’, please just attempt them as your individual circumstances allow.)