The likelihood of contracting the virus still remains low, but will increase exponentially over the coming days and weeks. The rate is undetermined and difficult to predict; this is where the confusion, pressure, and panic starts and our difficulties begin!
Many families, carers and communities will want reassurances. We continue to follow and reiterate the guidance, remain vigilant and calm.
The key points from the current guidance are:
- If pupils and staff are well, they are to be at school
- Continue with our normal day, meetings, school gatherings etc.
- Maintain frequent hand washing, hygiene practices and robust cleaning
- If a pupil or member of staff has come into direct contact with a confirmed case - they should self-isolate for 14 days
- If a pupil or member of staff exhibit a new persistent cough and/or have a high temperature (above 38.2 C) - they should self-isolate for 7 days. If a child shows these symptoms in school, we will isolate if possible, call parents/carer to pick up and clean surfaces afterwards
- If there’s a confirmed case within Flowery Field, the Public Health Authority will issue me with specific Guidance.
Thanks for your continuing support and calm.