Dear Parent/Carer


Change to Pricing of School Meals


Following a recent review of school meals provision by the Enquire Learning Trust, Trustees have reluctantly accepted the need to increase the price of a school lunch from £2.10 per day to £2.20 per day. The increase will come into effect following the October 2018 half term break. (5th November at Flowery Field.)


The reason for the change has been largely out of the Trust's control, caused by the substantial inflationary increases in food costs and the recent nationally agreed pay awards for support staff.


We will continue working closely with our catering partner, Mellors, to ensure that your child receives a good quality and nutritional meal, a great service, support and value for money.


Please be assured that if your child is eligible and registered for a free school meal, (which includes all Reception and Years 1 and 2 pupils) there will be no change. If you do feel that your child may be eligible for a free meal, please speak to the school office who can assist you with the application process. Further information on this is available on your school website.